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Popular Pairings & Uses

Olive Oil

What is the shelf life of Olive Oil and should it be kept in the fridge?

We recommend best by date of 4 months, and use by date of 12 months from the quality control date on the white UPC sticker on each individual bottle. Olive Oil benefits and quality decreases with time. It's important to remember olive oil is a perishable food–all bottled oil will go rancid eventually–but it is said to be properly handled, sealed and stored in a cool dark place is advised.

If you prefer, you may keep in in the fridge.  It will solidify.  When you are ready to use it, just leave it out of the fridge to become room temperature.



Are our Olive Oils Filtered?

No - our Olive Oils are not filtered.

Upon milling, we pump our oils into large stainless steel tanks housed in our warehouse.  Gravity then causes particulates that were separated out with the oil during milling to sink to the bottom of the tank.This process is called “racking.”

The most noticeable difference between an unfiltered and a filtered oil is appearance. The unfiltered oil may look a bit cloudy, because of residual particles that weren’t removed through gravity in the settlement tank.

What is the base Olive Oil of the infused varieties?

The base oil is always an Arbequina, as this variety is mild in bitterness and intensity. The base oil changes every 6 months just like our EVOO change. During the Northern Hemisphere harvest the base oil is a Portuguese Arbequina, when the harvest is during the Southern Hemisphere the base oil changes to a Chilean Arbequina. The rotation is done usually when the bulk of the oils change hemispheres. 

Oct- Nov crush = Late January, early February. 

May- Jun crush = Late  August, early September.

How often do you get new fresh olive oils and where do they come from?

Fresh Olive Oils are (typically) harvested once time per year in each hemisphere, (Example: northern Hemisphere oils, from Calif., Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, etc., are harvested in November and usually arrive in our stores from February to mid March.

Olive Oils from the Southern Hemisphere, including those from Australia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, etc. are (typically) harvested in May and arrive in our stores in July and August.

Additional oils from each season are ordered or re-stocked as supply and demand allow.  We are careful not to "over-buy" and our Olive Oils are not mass produced.

Can I cook with Olive Oil?

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best oils to cook with! Extra virgin olive oil is perfect for not just cooking, it is great for; frying, sautéing, poaching, dressing and baking. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a high smoke point that can hold up to high cooking temperatures. [400 degrees F]

“EVOOs should not be used for cooking because they have a low smoke point.”
A fresh quality EVOO contains some of natures most powerful anti oxidants. These anti-oxidants sacrifice themselves to allow the smoke point to go up substantially.  Typical grocery store oils, especially those that have been refined or deodorized have few anti oxidants in them. As such they will often begin to smoke at about 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  
Trained chefs know that cooking with a fine extra virgin olive oil does burn off some of the healthy anti-oxidants. As such, chefs typically use a well
crafted extra virgin olive oil for low to no heat scenarios such as finishing, bread dipping or salads.  

Can I substitute Olive Oil for butter in baking?

Yes - below is the conversion chart. Note that solid fats act different than liquid fats. When substituting liquid for liquid (such as vegetable oil) the results are the same. When substituting solid to liquid there may be a change in texture and crispiness. 


What affects the quality of Olive Oil?

  • Time - Olive Oil benefits and quality decreases with time.
  • Light - Extended exposure to light can deteriorate the quantity and quality of the antioxidants found in olive oil.
  • Heat - The optimal storage temperature for olive oil is 60 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm temperature causes olive oil flavor to change.
  • Oxygen - oxidation of the oil occurs, which causes off flavors in the olive oil and deteriorates the quality of the oil. 

What does the term "extra virgin" or "EVOO" mean?

EVOO is shorter  "extra virgin olive oil". "Extra Virgin" means no defects of smell or flavor. A single defect at the time of the harvest & press would (typically) cause the oil to be characterized as a "virgin" olive oil as opposed to "extra virgin". More than 2 defects and the oils would be considered (by experienced olive oil aficionados testers) to be "Lampante" (lamp oil).

Are your Olive Oils all "first pressed" and "cold pressed"?

Yes, all our Olive Oils are made only from oils extracted during the first press; i.e.; the first time the olives are crushed and malaxed.

Chronologically speaking, the "earliest" crush / press of the season might also be mis-used in some context as first pressed. "Early harvest" extra virgin olive oils often make the finest EVOOs, when the olives are not yet fully ripened. The early harvest olives tend to be very bitter and pungent which is a positive thing for an EVOO. Later in the season, sometimes  just a couple days or weeks later, the ripened olives produce much more olive oil, but it is not generally as good from a health benefit standpoint.      

The term cold pressed is a bit of a "misnomer" as there is nothing "cold" about it. Temperatures under 81 degrees (fahrenheit) are considered "cold" in the case of olive oil production.  The processors of fine extra virgin olive oils would never add heat to the process to get more oil from the olives as many large olive oil conglomerates do.  Heat damages the oil and its healthy properties by reducing anti oxidants (speeding oxidation) which results in shorter shelf life for the oils. Mass produced olive oil products often blend lesser or aging oils into their products.

It is very hard to compare the mass produced international brands with truly fresh olive oil products as they are not similar in how they are produced.

Are your Olive Oils Kosher?

Yes - Our EVOO's and our Custom blend Oils are certified - Kosher [Pareve]

Kosher Certificate


Are your Olive Oils Gluten & Dairy Free?

Yes - All our Olive Oils are gluten and dairy free. 

Allergen Checklist

Allergen Statement


Is your butter olive oil dairy, soy free & Vegan?

Yes - the butter flavor is derived from a plant based natural essential oil.  Proprietary blend of botanical herbs. 

All our flavored oils are soy free and this is listed in our allergen statement.  Our Olive Oils are Vegan friendly.

Allergen Statement

FODMAP diet and the use of garlic in our products

Our garlic olive oil, and several of our other oils such as the Tuscan Herb use essential oil of garlic which is distilled.

Olive Oils & Solidifying

Olive oil can begin to solidify when exposed to temperatures at 50 F. and below. However, it will likely move through several physical stages before it completely solidifies. The first stage will be cloudiness.

If the temperature continues to drop the oil might look viscous and thick and be more difficult to pour. Next, tiny white beads might begin to form. This will look like globules suspended through the still (mostly) fluid oil. Once the temperature drops below 43°F the product typically solidifies completely.

Extra virgin olive oil varieties made from certain olives may behave differently when exposed to cold temperatures based on their unique composition. What we can say however, is that solidification of extra virgin olive oil due to cold exposure is a natural characteristic and is not reason to panic, nor is does it represent a quality issue. Given enough time at ambient room temperature, the oil will return to its fluid state.

Please see photos below of various stages of solidifying olive oil. These are by no means exhaustive, as we’ve heard customers describe solidifying olive oil in many unique ways from looking like “cottage cheese”, to looking like “branches and sticks”.

What is Ultra Premium (UP) standard?

Ultra Premium (UP) is a category of olive oil, developed and administered as a trademark by Veronica Foods Company, to distinguish the highest quality olive oils in the world. The UP standard is used by Veronica Foods and its partners to identify olive oils that meet the UP standards.

Ultra Premium Olive Oil exceeds world standards for olive oil quality. It is the freshest and finest olive oil in the world today.

This chart shows the level of quality for UP



What are the health benefits of Olive Oil?

It is great internally and externally for skin and hair. Fresh robust olive oil (containing high phenolic compound counts) are scientifically proven to reduce inflammation. Many people drink a couple tablespoons a day to reduce joint pain and reduce coronary arterial disease risk factors. Since the fats in olive oil are good for you, try it in almost anything you cook, eat or serve.   

What Influences Olive Oil Grade?

All olive oil starts with fruit on a tree. What happens after the fruit and the tree part company makes all the difference to the oil produced. Later viewing of the other buttons on this site will inform you of the many factors influencing the end products of the olive fruit..

According to the United States Department of Agriculture the only acceptable grade of olive oil is Virgin Olive Oil. The Food and Drug Administration definition is,” Olive oil is the edible oil expressed from the sound, mature fruit of the olive tree." No recognition is given to refined or extracted oil.

The two ways to assess virgin olive, chemical and organoleptic analysis, are equally important even though one is totally objective and the other is totally subjective.

Laboratory analysis can tell us about the levels of beneficial polyphenols and oleic acid, and the products of deterioration free fatty acids and peroxide. But it can not tell us anything about the pleasure to be derived from using fresh, well made oil.

Organoleptic analysis happens in the nose and mouth of the taster, either professional or you as the end user. Aesthetic notes of fruity, nutty, fresh grassy, peppery, and many, many others are there in varying balance that give complexity to the oil and appeal in different ways to each person. Laboratory analysis can track down the chemical nature of those flavors and aromas, but the human sensory system is still the best organoleptic analysis device. As we will recommend many times in this website, please give yourself the opportunity to taste and assess many olive oils to educate your palate and help you find the oil that gives you the most satisfaction.

Most grading is based on the method of production (explained at the HOW button) and designations are a marketing tool used by producers. The terms can be confusing and sometimes intentionally misleading. Once again it is important to know as much as possible about what you choose.

Extra-virgin olive oil comes from virgin oil production only, contains no more than 0.8% acidity, and is judged to have a superior taste. Extra Virgin olive oil accounts for less than 10% of oil in many producing countries.

Virgin olive oil is produced by the use of physical means and no chemical treatment. , has an acidity less than 2%, and is judged to have a good taste. Over 50% of the oil produced in the Mediterranean area is of such poor quality that it must be refined to produce an edible product.

After these two grades come the blends of oil that are mainly (up to 90%) refined oil and virgin Olive oil.

Pure olive oil. Oils labeled as Pure olive oil or Olive oil are usually a blend of refined and virgin production oil. Over 50% of the oil produced in the Mediterranean area is of such poor quality that it must be refined to produce an edible product. No solvents used used to extract the oil but it has been refined with the use of charcoal and other chemical and physical filters

Olive oil is a blend of virgin and refined production oil, of no more than 1.5% acidity, and lacks a strong flavor.

Olive-pomace oil is refined pomace olive production oil possibly blended with some virgin production oil. It is fit for consumption, but may not be described simply as olive oil. Olive-pomace oil is rarely sold at retail; it is often used for certain kinds of cooking in restaurants.

Refined olive oil is the olive oil obtained from virgin olive oils by refining methods which do not lead to alterations in the initial glyceridic structure. It has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 0.3 grams per 100 grams (0.3%) and its other characteristics correspond to those fixed for this category in this standard. This is obtained by refining virgin olive oils which have a high acidity level and/or organoleptic defects which are eliminated after refining. Over 50% of the oil produced in the Mediterranean area is of such poor quality that it must be refined to produce an edible product. Note that no solvents have been used to extract the oil but it has been refined with the use of charcoal and other chemical and physical filters. An obsolete equivalent is "pure olive oil"

Pomace olive oil is extracted from the pomace using chemical solvents, mostly hexane, and by heat. Sometimes blended with some virgin production oil. It is fit for consumption, but may not be described simply as olive oil. Olive-pomace oil is rarely sold at retail; it is often used for certain kinds of cooking in restaurants.

Lampante oil is not suitable as food because it is made usually from olives that are spoiled or insect infested.; the term lampante comes from olive oil's long-standing use in oil-burning lamps. Lampante oil is mostly used in the industrial market. It must be chemically refined before it can be consumed. The resulting oil, after refining, is known as A-Refined, or Refined-A olive oil. It is not, strictly speaking, "olive oil." It is used as the primary ingredient for a new product that is sold as "Pure Olive Oil.”.

As the United States is not a member, the IOOC retail grades have no legal meaning in that country; terms such as "extra virgin" may be used without legal restrictions.

Since 1948 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)has listed four grades of olive oil based on acidity, absence of defects, odor and flavor:[20]

U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy possesses a free fatty acid content of not more than 1.4% and is "free from defects";

U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice possesses a free fatty acid content of not more than 2.5% and is "reasonably free from defects";

U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard possesses a free fatty acid content of not more than 3.0% and is "fairly free from defects";

U.S. Grade D or U.S. Substandard possesses a free fatty acid content greater than 3.0% and "fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C".

With these diverse labeling styles and the small amount of information they provide, the best indicator of a good olive oil is obtained by tasting while keeping in mind the freshness and beneficial nutritional and antioxidant levels.

Why is timing important when crushing olives?

The most critical decision and least understood variable in producing fine olive oil is the level of ripeness of the fruit when the olives are harvested, affecting both yield and organoleptic characteristics. Additional factors of regional variations harvest time, risk of frost, and mill schedules affect the quality of the finished product.

Theoretically, there exists an exact moment when ripeness and acidity levels are at their respective optimums in every olive. Crushing the fruit before this imaginary "moment" or peak of ripeness will translate to a lower yield and greener tasting oil. "Grassy" or greener tasting oil is the result of higher levels of chlorophyll still held in the fruit.

Crushing the fruit before it is ripe does provide one major benefit: the acidity levels are much lower in unripe fruit. Since the primary chemical test for grading olive oil focuses on the acidity level, this early harvest oil is sometimes cynically referred to as the "virgin maker." The lower yield, and bitter tasting aspects resulting from crushing olives before they are ripe can be offset by using this oil as a blending agent that serves to lower the acidity levels of oils that might not otherwise meet the chemical standard. Early harvest olive oil can also provide a semblance or note of freshness to oils that are otherwise tired.

Conversely, crushing olives that are overripe will produce olive oil that is smoother and softer in its inherent intensity and sought after fruity characteristics. The practice of letting the fruit become overripe on the tree has the significant economic benefit to the crusher of increasing the overall ratio and yield of oil to olive by weight. This, of course, lowers the cost of the oil in a big way. The acidity level (free fatty acids or FFA’s) rises as the fruit begins to decompose, increasing until it is unfit for human consumption. until it is refined, one of the main reasons why there is so much refined olive oil produced.

Farmers who let their olives become overripe on the tree are rewarded economically by a very high yield. The difference in yield from early harvest oil (12% to 16% oil to olives) and late harvest yield (20% to 28%) is significant and increases in yield between 33% and 133% can be achieved. Today the world market price that separates refined olive oil from extra virgin olive oil is less than 12%. There are times when the prices between these two drastically different products are virtually nonexistent. The competing interests of yield, acidity level, and flavor profile make when the olive is crushed the single most important consideration when it comes to producing high quality extra virgin olive oil. If the fruit is crushed before it is ripe it will be excessively expensive and the oil will have a bitter less fruity chlorophyll taste. If the fruit is allowed to become too ripe then it will be unfit for consumption unless it is first refined. When either consideration of higher yield or lower acidity level becomes too dominant the cost and quality of the oil suffer. It seems fitting that a balanced approach is the most rewarding one.

What is Organic Olive Oil?

The United States Government makes no comment and takes no position regarding the relative benefits or harm that organic products may possess. The official U.S. government position is that the primary purpose of Organic Certification is its use a marketing tool by producers and sellers.

Traditional cultivation methods remain the same for growers because olive trees, by their nature, are dry cultivated without artificial fertilizers and amendments. Without irrigation modern chemically enhanced cultivation practices cannot be used. Most small farmers and producers can not afford to pay for organic certification and at the same time produce high quality olive oil.

To offset the cost, fruit may be left to ripen past its peak in order to increase yield, but this practice does not produce the best tasting or most nutritionally beneficial oil.

It is certainly possible and indeed desirable to produce certified organic olive oil that is at once high quality and reasonably priced, but marketing agencies are of the opinion that consumers of organic olive oil choose organic for considerations other than taste so most producers are not under the same pressure they might otherwise be in a more epicurean or taste driven market.

Our growers use every caution possible to produce a clean, quality Olive Oil.  The Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegars come to us in a sealed container, and is re-bottled in our retail stores.  Hence, our retail stores are not "certified organic" and cannot put a seal on our bottles.

What is Refined Olive Oil?

Refined-A Olive Oil

Pressing oil from overripe, insect infested or broken olives will yield an inedible oil that has been used historically for burning in lamps and graded “Lampante” Because overripe olives have higher oil content than ripe olives modern refining methods have been developed for reclaiming the oil for food purposes.

Overripe Olives

The resulting product is an odorless, tasteless, colorless fat known in the olive oil trade as Refined-A olive oil. All of the flavor and essential polyphenols associated with real or virgin olive oil have been stripped away, but by adding as little as 3% virgin olive oil refiners are legally permitted to sell and market the resulting mixture as 100 % Pure Olive Oil and Light or “Lite” olive oil. Most mixtures contain and 90% Refined-A and 10% virgin. The caloric content is the same for all grades of olive oil.

Loading pomace for re-pressing and refining

Refined-B Olive Oil

Olive pits and skins are what remain after the virgin olive oil has been removed. It is possible to chemically extract another three to four percent of oil by applying extreme heat, solvent (hexane), and sodium hydroxide. Simply bleach, winterize, and deodorize. If all of the harmful chemicals are recaptured the resulting odorless, tasteless, fat will not poison you, but it is against the law to call this empty fat “Olive Oil.” Many people who buy refined pomace olive oil mixed with a little real olive oil mistakenly believe they are getting a bargain, but they are losing the opportunity to enjoy the flavor and health benefits of genuine olive oil.

What's in your Olive Oil that you don't know about?

What's in your Olive Oil

Balsamic Vinegar

Is there added sugar to your balsamic vinegars?

No - the sugar found in the balsamic vinegars are natural sugars from the fruit / plant / ingredient.  We do no not add any artificial colors, artificial flavors, ingredients, or preservatives to our products. Products are all natural.

What is the shelf life of your balsamic vinegars and do they need to be kept in the fridge?

We recommend best by date of 4 months, and use by date of 12 months from the quality control date on the white UPC sticker on each individual bottle. The acidity in the vinegar acts as a natural preservative.  Vinegars will simply become more acidic causing a change in appearance and flavor.

It is not necessary to put the Vinegar in the fridge.  You may prefer to.

What is the difference between White Balsamic and Dark Balsamic?

Dark Balsamic Vinegar is made with Trebbiano grapes and on occasion with some Lambrusco grape must. The balsamic undergoes cooking and caramelizing in a copper kettle over an open wood fire before being aged the traditional Solera Method - Modena, Italy.  The balsamic is placed in old wood barrels that previously held older batches of aged balsamic vinegar. These barrels, similar to wine barrels, are made from different woods including oak, chestnut, acacia, cherry, mulberry, ash and juniper. These woods add character to the vinegar.

White Balsamic Vinegar is made by blending white grape must with 100% Italian barreled aged white wine vinegar, both made from Albana, Trebbiano and Montuni grapes which grow exclusively in the region of Modena, Italy. The traditionally cooked grape must is then lightly filtered to remove any skins from the cooked must and is placed into new white oak or stainless barrels for aging. The white balsamic condimento is less complex and has not been caramelized over an open wood fire in copper kettles, as the dark condimento has been.

Do you sell balsamic glazes?

Not typically, but it is easy to reduce Redstone Balsamic Vinegars with patient stirring in a pan on low heat. Thicker balsamics are often created by adding flour or other thickeners. We have never adulterated our products in any way. You will find that some of our batches are thicker than others since they are not mass produced. 

The aging process will cause any balsamic to become thicker with time.

What are the best uses and health benefits of balsamic vinegars?

Around the world, balsamic vinegars are often used to marinate meats. They also  add great flavor to vegetables when you roast or sauté' them.  

Most Americans use balsamic vinegars with or without olive oils for salads dressings. Balsamics are also great on Ice Cream or plain greek yogurt. Many people use our white balsamics in sparkling water to avoid drinking soda pop or sugary fruit drinks often loaded with (very) unhealthy high fructose corn syrups or other processed sugars. Our balsamic vinegars contain only natural sugars from the fermented fruit. 

Since Balsamic Vinegar is a fermented fruit, it contains the bacteria to add in digestion and gut health.

The all natural sugars in Balsamic Vinegar will help reduce cravings when you are hungry.

What are natural sulfites (found in Balsamic Vinegar)?

Natural sulfites develop naturally as a by-product of fermentation. Sulfites are chemical compounds found in nature, they preserve food and prevent bacterial growth. Naturally occurring sulfites are generated in very small amounts ranging from 6-40 ppm. 

Are your balsamic vinegars Kosher?

No - our balsamic vinegars are not Kosher certified.

Are your balsamic vinegars Gluten Free?

Yes - All our balsamic vinegars are gluten free. 

Please see info tab for copy of Allergen statement. 

Allergen Statement

Are your balsamic vinegars Dairy Free?

Yes - All our balsamic vinegars are dairy free. 

Please see info tab for copy of Allergen statement. 

Allergen Statement


Are your balsamic vinegars Vegan?

Yes - they are both Dairy Free and Vegan.

Are your balsamic vinegars pasteurized?

No - our balsamic vinegars are unpasteurized therefore contain antimicrobial compounds, acetic  acid, and antioxidants.

What is the "Mother" in Balsamic Vinegar?

Mother of vinegar[1] - also called Mycoderma aceti (a New Latin expression, from the Greek μὑκης (fungus) plus δἐρμα (skin), and the Latin aceti (of the acid)[2] - is a substance composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops          when fermenting liquids, which turns into acetic acid with the help of oxygen from the air. It is added to winecider, or other liquids to produce vinegar.

Mother of vinegar can also form in store-bought vinegar if there is some non-fermented sugar contained in the vinegar. While not appetizing in appearance, mother of vinegar is completely harmless and the surrounding vinegar does not have to be discarded because of it. It can be filtered out using a coffee filter, simply left in and ignored.

Does your Espresso Balsamic Vinegar contain caffeine?

No, there is not caffeine in the product, flavoring comes from botanical essential oils. 

Do your Balsamic Vinegar's contain soy lecithin?

No, they are soy free as stated in our allergen statement. This applies to both the White and the Dark Balsamic Vinegar's.

Ordering and delivery

Can I place an order without creating an account?

No. It’s quick and easy to create an account which will show your product history and reward points. Just visit Set up Account Here and follow the instructions on-screen.

Where is my order confirmation?

This is automatically sent to your email address when you place an order. If you haven’t received your order confirmation within 24 hours, please get in touch at Contact Us just in case there’s a problem with your order. Please check your mailbox’s spam or junk folder before contacting in case the order confirmation has been diverted there.

How do I cancel my order?

There is only a short amount of time between when you place your order and when we start processing it. If you contact us straight away after ordering, via, we may be able to cancel your order before it’s processed.

Can I alter my order?

Sadly, we’re unable to modify your order once we’ve started processing it. If you need to order a greater quantity or an additional product, please place a new order online.

When will my order arrive?

Shipping Policy

What countries do you ship to?

We ship to USA domestic locations.

How much is shipping?

Shipping costs depend on the total of your order. $0 - $50 ships for $10.  $50 - $79.99 ships for $14.

If your order value is more than $80, we provide free shipping within the U.S domestic.

Can I track my order?

Yes. We’ll provide updates at every stage of your order, from the moment you place it, through to despatch and delivery. In your delivery confirmation emails, you’ll receive a tracking reference which you can use to check the progress of your order online.

Returns & Refunds

Can I return or exchange an item?

Return & Refund Policy

My order has arrived but it’s not as I expected or damaged. What can I do?

Return & Refund Policy


Do you sell gift cards or vouchers?

Yes, we do.

There are two ways to buy a gift.

  1. Purchase a physical gift card in our physical stores.
  2. Purchase a gift voucher at  Buy Gift Vouchers HereThese are delivered electronically by email and each contains a unique reference number.

Our gift vouchers are ideal if you’re not sure what to get that special person in your life. Simply buy a gift voucher instead for the value of $10, $20 or $50.

Can you define what natural flavor is on the ingredients?

Natural flavors are derived from the fruit/ herb themselves - botanical essential oils.

Bottle Exchange Program

Don't throw away your 200, 375, or 750 mL Redstone bottles.  Bring them back to the store for a 10 % savings on your next bottle purchase.