Pasta di Cuori al Salmone

Pasta di Cuori al Salmone


Do you want to cook for your loved one and have little time or are you not such a hero in the kitchen? Then choose this tempting heart pasta with cherry tomatoes, ricotta and salmon. Super nice, beautiful and above all easy..



  1. Prepare the pasta per instructions.  Pre-heat oven to 200 F.  Rinse tomatoes in cold water.
  2. Spread the cherry tomatoes on a bake proof sheet.  Roast for 30 minutes until soft and colored.
  3. Mix the pasta with ricotta, olive oil and pesto.  Add the cherry tomatoes and cover with foil.  Rub the salmon fillets with the extra virgin olive oil.  Heat a grill pan and fry the fillets for approx 6 minutes, turning half way and until crisp on the outside and just cooked inside.
  4. Flake cooked salmon over pasta salad.  Serves 4.


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